Visiting Research Fellow
Research groups: International Health Systems
Email: ah2430
Miss Anna Hackenberg is a Visiting Research Fellow at the Engineering Design Centre. She is a junior anesthetist at LMU University Hospital, Munich, and a doctoral candidate at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). At the International Health Systems Design Group she looks into trauma pathways of injured patients in Kampala, Uganda, supervised by Dr Tom Bashford. Prior to this, Anna contributed to a global registry for TBI with Dr. Kee Park's group at the Program for Global Surgery and Social Change, PGSSC, in Boston. Her interest in global health stems from growing up in Shanghai, Paris and Munich. Clinical experience outside of Germany includes Shanghai, as well as Denmark, Oxford and work in rural Vietnam with the French charity organization "Enfants du Vietnam".
Barthélemy, E. J., Hackenberg, A. E. C., Lepard, J., Ashby, J., Baron, R. B., Cohen, E., Corley, J., & Park, K. B. (2022). Neurotrauma Surveillance in National Registries of Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Scoping Review and Comparative Analysis of Data Dictionaries. International journal of health policy and management, 11(11), 23732380. Available from IJHPM.
Schröder, L., Regnath, F., Glasauer, S., Hackenberg, A., Hente, J., Weilenmann, S., Pohl, D., von Känel, R., & Lehnen, N. (2022). Altered sensorimotor processing in irritable bowel syndrome: Evidence for a transdiagnostic pathomechanism in functional somatic disorders. Frontiers in neuroscience, 16, 1029126. Available from Frontiers.